Rabu, 17 Juli 2013

Regularity An important attribute of a Successful Blog

Lack of self-motivation, causing irregularity in the blog works and irregularities that led to the death your blog. In the initial phase and also after twenty three years of the creation of your blog, you need to very carefully handle your business to your blog to remain always active. Because you are active then you are still alive and visible to the public internet.

Blogging requires hard work and dedication . to be a successful blogger takes so much effort and hard work . So many people try to make a blog and share the knowledge that there are but due to lack of dedication and hard work they failed at the initial level . While starting a blog , which is the initial time when you have to do a lot of work to make your blog look million internet audience . So many people are trying to make a blog but they failed at the initial level because of lack of self-motivation to work on the blog .
Regularity An important aspect of Successful Blog , so , what the " regularity " actually means here ? Literally, regularity means constantly, which means you have to work on your blog constantly . you have to maintain regularity in publishing posts , sharing content is published and interact with your readers . It will make your blog look dynamic and wide , so that people will be happy to visit your blog again and again .
Regularity in Publishing to create a strong position in blogging you have to dedicate to your blog . you must actively and regularly in producing content for your blog . There are so many people who just created a blog and then post a five -ten article and feel tired , this kind of attitude is the main reason for the destruction of your blog . You have to enjoy writing in your blog . If you want to be a successful blogger then you should have fun while blogging , if you can not enjoy blogging then you might write a blog in the wrong field or blogging is not for you . you just have to get out of the clutches of laziness and start working hard on a regular basis . Once again , you have to keep your blog active , for that you have to fill in your blogs always fuels with new and fresh content . Post at least two posts a week , if you can post more than that , which would be beneficial for your blog , but posts must be useful and would encourage informatif.maka guest writers to write for your blog . Guest authors are different people , so that the contents of your blog will get different flavors and different points of view and offer them for your users . To attract guest writers to your blog , you can , give back - links to their websites . But before publishing guest posts are actually checked .
Regularity in Interaction With Fans Another important thing is to reach to the reader . You must also maintain order in the interaction with your readers . Even more effective is your reach to your readers when a stronger relationship between the writer and the reader and the reader - writer relationship strong will generate strong environmental blog . If you ever get the success in building a strong neighborhood blog , more people will make a recommendation of your blog and therefore more readers and subscribers you will get to your blog . The large number of readers and subscribers will increase your visibility to the internet audience , which is necessary for the success of a blog . Always keep your readers engaged in your blog , so they do not feel inevitable . In response to their request simply will not do the job . you have to do more with your readers . Ask for their opinions on a blog post and post your opinion or put through a poll or survey widgets to take from your readers . This kind of activity makes them involved in your blog and you will get to know what readers think about your blog and what the advantages and disadvantages of your blog . Then you can take the necessary steps to address or fix the problems with your blog .
Share regularity in the most important thing you must keep in order to share your content with people . There are trillions of social networking sites and bookmarking sites that will help spread the content of your website . Share a link to your blog content regularly on their social networking and bookmarking sites such as , Facebook , Twitter , LinkedIn etc but every time when you publish a new post , then share a post to all the sites . for that there is a wide range of existing services that can share a link you automatically , when you are going to publish a post . But the automatic sharing tool to share your links in just a few selected social networking sites , that's why you still have to share your post links manually . You have to keep doing this regularly updated to make people follow you on network sites sosial.bergabunglah discussions in various forums organized and put your website link on the forum . So , people can follow the links to your blog and get help for their problems and they will refer your blog to their friends . This way your blog readers will get more visibility and hence the rise in popularity of your blog and your blog meters rising to a new level . above , I have explained about the importance of regularity in blogging and how to assist in making a strong and successful blog . And I think you also have to know about five important attributes about creating a successful blog .
There are unwritten rules of the blogosphere that apply to every blogger . The top 3 blogging rule is very important because the bloggers who do not comply could find themselves in the middle of the negative publicity or bad , in legal matters . Read the top three blogging rules below , then make sure you follow them all the time to protect yourself from the problem .
1 . Cite Your SourcesIt is very likely that at some time you will want to refer to other articles or blog posts you read online in your own blog posts . While nothing to copy a phrase or a few words without violating copyright laws , to remain within the rules of fair use , you must attribute the source where the quote originated . You should do this by citing the name of the original author and website or blog in which the citation was originally used the name along with a link back to the original source .
2 . Ask PermissionWhile quoting a few words or phrases and connect your source acceptable under the laws of fair use , it is important to understand that the law of fair use as they relate to online content is still a gray area in the courtroom . If you plan to copy more than a few words or phrases , it's best to err on the side of caution and ask the original author for permission to publish their words ( with proper attribution , of course ) on your blog . Ask for permission also applies to the use of photos and images on your blog . Unless a photo or image you plan to use is derived from sources which clearly give permission for you to use on your blog , you have to ask the original photographer or designer permission to use it on your blog ( with proper attribution ) .
3 . playing NiceJust because your blog is yours does not mean you can have free rein to write whatever you want without impact . Remember , the content on your blog is available for the world to see . Just as the word journalist or verbal words a person can be considered slanderous , so can the words that you use in your blog . Avoid entrapment law by writing with a global audience in mind . You never know who might stumble on your blog .

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